Kaleidoscope (2011)

Kaleidoscope (2011)

- Interactive sound installation

- Kaleidoscope, motor, magnifier, flashlight, microphones, speakers, computer

This is an installation about the experience of photography. By reversing the direction of light, one can focus the inner image of a Kaleidoscope onto a wall. By connecting the system to a motor, the audience can interact with the device or make it stop. This "stopping" action mimics the experience of pressing a shutter, and the installation is hence a "camera" in disguise 

《萬花筒計畫》- 一個關於攝影經驗的互動聲音裝置。

Complete Statement / ENG & 中文

Video presentation of the installation.

 The world comprises vision and sound. Collaborating with composer I-lly Cheng, I  extract the sound  inside the rotating kaleidoscope and feed it into a computer. The sound is calculated in real time by designed patches using Max/MSP&

The world comprises vision and sound. Collaborating with composer I-lly Cheng, I extract the sound inside the rotating kaleidoscope and feed it into a computer. The sound is calculated in real time by designed patches using Max/MSP software. The speakers output the resulting sound (also in real time). The microphone also picks up ambient sound; thus the entire room is within the interactive sound field. 

 The first draft of the system.

The first draft of the system.
